

For the past few months, I have had an obsession with sunrises. I personally find them to be the most beautiful part of the day, even better than sunsets. It's because with a sunset, you see the sun go down and then its over. With a sunrise, the sun rises and until about 8, depending on the weather, it stays beautiful.
But the biggest reason I have is that sunrises are so hard to reach. To see a sunset takes no effort at all. But to see a sunrise means that you have to readjust your sleep cycle to earlier in the morning, and unless you have a job that starts early, it's hard to do that. It's also hard to stay up to watch the sunrise, because it takes so very long and insomnia isn't exactly reliable. Plus, it makes you groggy during the day.
This is what I find so appealing about sunrises. For me, the hours I can be awake are usually from 7 AM to 4AM if I'm going all day and night. There's that one little window of time that I have a hard time reaching that is the most beautiful part of the day.
Hopefully I'll be able to readjust my sleep cycle to watch them for the rest of the month. But until I know if I succeeded at that, I'll just post this shot from this morning as motivation.

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