
Remembering My Old Class

Yesterday I returned to the my high school, San Marin, to watch the sunrise. The photo 
I got was less than spectacular.
But that wasn't the highlight of this walk. The highlight was walking past my old computer apps class. Now, previously I mentioned that I was in this lousy class that introduced me to blogger. Well, I'm going to go in detail about it for a bit.
In this class, everyone sat around "working" on assignments. The class was filled with slackers who annoyed the hell out of everyone, and nobody took it seriously. But the teacher was something else. Mr. Farley, the wonderful teacher of this glorious class, could not teach at all. His method was just to lecture about what the application would do in the workplace, and then not bother explaining how it worked. In addition to this, when he decided to use discipline against the slackers, he ended up starting daily lectures about taking off hats. I couldn't take him seriously, and I hated that class, as these posts on my old blog indicate:
But I never got mad enough to barge out of the class. Even when one student sprayed silly string in my face, or Mr. Farley refused to help me while he was lecturing about chicken sandwiches, or when another student threw a can of soda at me, I held my tongue. But after walking by it today, I burst into a rant that I continued all the way home. And it reminded me how much I hated that class.
But it's over. That's the one good thing about it. It's all over.

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